Sumimasen, machi mouke ru Bearfangs saito ka seki..! The Trials and Tribulations of A Ronin......
The Kojiraireki

Warriors with no war, a social class without a function. This a tale of Ronin R..

The Shin Kou

The Shiryou Kan

February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 February 2009

The Uebusaito

Newgrounds . Anime Web Turnpike . Deviant Art . Vestax . Game Faqs . Dragon Ash . Import Tuner . Animelab . Liverpool F.C . Samurai Kanji . Go Rin No Sho .Apple Movie Trailers . Islam-Guide

The Ronin Ongaku

[My Chemical Romance]
[The Ghost Of you]
[3 Cheers 4 Sweet Revenge]

Tag Da Ronin


Bearfangs Graphiks Production
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Friday, May 27, 2005

Have you ever....

I think its time to walk it off....

and shove faith in fate, where the sun don't sunshine....

Time to take matters in my own hands...

Until then...

bear Slashed @ 1:00 AM

Thursday, May 05, 2005

EMO MODE ON..5th of May 2005 - 05.05.05 ... looks like some wierd TOTO number huh... i've been off my track for a couple of days now, been sick due to the weather and totally mentally messed up..its like im feelin tat some people needs a good beating for me to wake up..i may look well but inside the turmoil never ends..some people pi$$ me off couple days back..i just snap..temper rises like the wrath of Zues..i made some bad touches that maybe need some explaining & apologies from me..maybe i need a break..yeah maybe tat..maybe sooner than expected..the months goes by like pacman chews goin too fast..some people i noe are moving on for the best..but im stuck like a bear between two rocks..sitting there waiting, thinking, analyzing whether its worth it turning back, can i invest the heart and soul into it, i've been dissapointed many times, make it X 10..i said to myself, am i tat unlucky in the matters of the heart?..i see people around me enjoi thier fruitful relationships, im happy for them, i envy them..even shes waiting but it seems that shes drifting away from me..maybe im stubborn or plain crazy..this maybe the soppiest entry i've written..but thats wat im feelin now..i am just sad that a friend whom i really care alot for, is in ICU now for some really stupid and unnecessary reasons, it tears my guts out just seeing her lying there, tears flows non stop everytime that pikture plays in my head..may GOD be beside her, let her pull thru..i may not pray the daily five but pls GOD, i just want to see that smile time to go boyz and gerlz, its 5.05am on the to go to work..till then..EMO MODE OFF..

bear Slashed @ 5:05 AM